What Do I Need to Know?
Joining Trips
Unless otherwise noted, all trips leave as scheduled from the Lake Placid Elementary School parking lot. There is normally no cost for trips, but completed Registration/Health Forms are required and must be current for that year. Download, print, and give the forms to the trip leader, if not already completed. Download them from the main page, www.lakeplacidoutingclub.org.
As a general rule of thumb, 7-year-olds or 3rd-grade graduates and older are welcome. Younger siblings are also welcome with parents accompanying them. No dogs are allowed.
Parents must contact the trip leader within 2 weeks of a trip to sign up for that trip. Parents should inform trip leaders of any health problems such as allergies, abnormal reactions to bee stings, weak knees, or the need to take medicine. Trips go out with a standard first-aid kit; your child will need a pack filled with the essentials below.
Equipment Needed
Each child must have good hiking shoes, wool or synthetic (no cotton) fleece or jacket, rain gear, filled water bottle (1 to 1½ qts. for “C”, 1½ to 2 for “B”, and 2 to 3 for “A” & “AA” trips), insect repellent, sunscreen, lunch, day pack, and flashlight or headlamp (required for “A” & “AA” trips). Parents should accept the possibility of a bivouac on “AA” trips; hence clothes and food packed sufficient to spend the night. Type III PFDs are required for paddling trips. Each participant must have all items no matter what the weather. No special gear beyond the above required for rock climbing; all safety gear is supplied by LPOC, High Peaks Mountain Adventures Guide Service, and/or Northwood School.
No electronics - If hikers’ only cameras are their cell phones, at leader’s discretion, they may carry them in the off position and use them for photos only. Parents at home need to understand that trip groups are not available for contact. Although unreliable in the mountains, leaders may be carrying a cell phone for possible emergency use, but they will be in the off position to conserve battery strength; constant roaming can otherwise drain batteries.
How can I participate as a parent?
Parents with children are not only welcome but encouraged to join us on any day their schedule permits. In fact, the program has always succeeded, thanks entirely to those parents who have generously given their time to lead hikes and drive. The summer's schedule is only limited by the parent's creativity in leading fun trips. However, to retain the focus on our purpose, namely the benefit of area youth, we must discourage participation by adults other than LPOC Parent Leaders and parents with children.
Can I lead a trip if I have just joined the organization?
Absolutely! Trips always have two leaders, so try to buddy up with someone who has led a trip before. All trip leaders, especially new ones, must attend the safety meeting to be held this spring.
How can I sign up to lead a trip?
Attend the May sign up night at the Lake Placid Elementary School and sign up there.
The program must rely on the generosity of parents and other adult drivers for transportation. Don't let the loyal few unfairly bear the burden. Because trip end times are only estimates, trip leaders will coordinate with parents about pick-up times. Parents will coordinate with leaders to either drop off at the elementary school or take students directly to their homes after trips.
Trip Difficulty
Each trip is rated by difficulty to allow those unfamiliar with the area to judge a trip's difficulty and to provide a framework for advancement for younger hikers. Those not sure of their abilities should try an easier trip first.
"AA" - full day, 10+ hours of hiking or outings covering 16 or more miles (often need equivalent of 2-3 meals)
"A" - for experienced hikers; distances covered range from 8 - 20 miles *(“A” & “AA” trips often finish in dark)
"B" - generally 4 - 8 miles in length; for those seeking a slower pace and less challenging objectives
"C" - generally intended as gentler introductions at the beginning of the season or for younger trippers